Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Water, Water Everywhere-- Favorite Baths

For the last 10 hours, it rained in Charleston. Really rained. Now, that might not be such a big deal, but living in downtown takes on a whole new meaning when it rains. We flood everywhere...streets, yards, you name it. I mean, even some areas flood at high tide. It made getting into my car early this a.m. quite a soggy chore, and my Lexus on the streets looked like an off-road Land Rover crossing rivers and streams. This is still the most fabulous city to live in though!

All this water led me to think about bathrooms. Crazy how my mind immediately reverts to home design mode. But, when you think about it, bathrooms and kitchens are the two most remodeled rooms in a house. And, provide some of the biggest investment returns. CNN Money ranks bath remodels #1 on their list of 25 Rules to Get Rich By. Uh, sure, I'll remodel my bath if it makes me rich! Funny, because I am replacing the sinks and fixtures in both of my baths now. I will expect checks to show up in the mail here soon CNN! Here are some of my favorites:

bathroom renovations for home
Dark wood cabinets with white and a pop of pale blue is sublime. {via Decorpad}

I've had this bath photo saved for years!

gray vanity small bath
Many of us don't have huge baths to luxuriate in. Mine are minuscule because in 1938 nobody seemed to primp or be larger than an ant I guess. Here is a smaller bath with just a few elegant touches.
{via Palm Design Group}

sconces on bath mirror
I love this mirror on mirror look and need to figure out how to do this in my own bath.

tiled alcove for tub
I have a clawfoot tub, but it certainly is not set in its own marble tiled alcove. Wow!
{via Williams Design}

Katie lee's bathroom
A chandelier in the bathroom is a must if you have the room!
{Katie Lee's home in West Village via Prudential}

half bath remodel
There is something rich and warm about dark gloss walls in a half bath. {via Decorista}

This is another one of my saved photos from over the years. Before Pinterest, it was in my design folder.
The huge mirror is such a statement piece.

White bathrooms really allow you to change your theme at any time. Change your shower curtain, art or accessories to a new color scheme and instant transformation!

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